Research day at ECE - Spring 2023

A day to learn more about the different research that is taking place in the different sections here at ECE.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


torsdag 27. april 2023, kl. 12:30 - . kl.



Agenda for the day: 


12:30-12:35        Opening of the event (Peter Gorm Larsen & Alexandros Iosifidis)

12:35-13:35        Introduction to research activities of the Sections at ECE:

                                Biomedical Engineering (10 minutes)

                                Communication, Control and Automation (10 minutes)

                                Electrical Energy Technology (10 minutes)

                                Electronics and Photonics (10 minutes)

                                Signal Processing and Machine learning (10 minutes)

                                Software Engineering & Computing systems (10 minutes)

13:35-13:50        Q&A session (All sections)

13:50-14:00        Participants can move to one of the demonstration locations

14:00-14:30        Demonstration of research activities of all ECE Sections

14:30-14:40        Participants can move to a different demonstration location

14:40-15:10        Demonstration of research activities of all ECE Sections

15:10-15:20        Participants can move to the social gathering

15:20-                   Social gathering