Invited talk by Frank G. Zöllner

Title: Image-based personalized medicine - opportunities and challenges for the use of AI methods

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Mandag 24. april 2023,  kl. 15:30 - 16:15


Finlandsgade 22, 5125-408


Artificial intelligence and more specifically machine learning has revolutionized the field of medical imaging and image analysis fostering high expectations for tackling unmet needs in diagnostics and therapy. In this presentation I will outline opportunities but also challenges using AI methods for image-based personalized medicine with application to cancer treatment, renal and vascular diseases. At first, I will outline the opportunities of AI in personalized medicine, and I will explain our approaches using integration of multi-modal and multiparametric data derived from imaging for diagnostics and image guided interventions. Thereafter, I will outline challenges like small datasets, data annotation and sampling and eventually generalization and explainability and will discuss our approach to mitigate these. Each part of the talk will be related to ongoing research projects covering a distinct piece of the aforementioned opportunities or challenges for illustration.


Frank G. Zöllner is currently Vice Chair of Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine at the Mannheim Institute for Intelligent System in Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany, and he leads the research group Medical Imaging and Image Analysis. After his undergraduate studies in computer sciences, he joined the Applied Computer Science group from 2001 to 2006 and worked towards his PhD within the bioinformatics graduate program and as post-doctoral researcher from 2004-2006. From 2006 until 2007 he was a researcher at the Haukeland University Hospital and the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Bergen, Norway. In 2008, Dr. Zöllner joined the Chair of Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine as a post-doctoral researcher.