AU Library offers short webinars about the basic functions of the system Ouriginal (formerly Urkund). Ouriginal is integrated in WISEflow, and the…
Aarhus University has launched a new initiative to forge stronger connections between research and innovation at the university. With the new AU…
The Royal Danish Library’s national licensing consortium has on behalf of the Danish universities and other research institutions entered three new…
The new AU staff pages replace the previous PURE design. Sign in and edit your page by providing information about yourself and your job.
AU students are now allowed to use Copilot, ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI (GAI) in Bachelor’s projects, MA theses and in final FE exams.…
In May we at ECE are joining the national exercise campagne “Vi Cykler til Arbejde” or “Bike to Work”.
WISEflow – AU’s new digital exams system – has been rolled out across the university. It replaces the WISEflow system formerly used at Aarhus BSS and…
Reduce air travel, continue to optimise energy use, and make sustainable purchases. With the 2024 climate action plan, AU is continuing its effort to…
Elections for the occupational health and safety organisation at AU have just been completed. Both new and returning representatives have committed…
Currently, staff can install and update applications on their staff computers without further ado. Unfortunately, this makes our computers vulnerable…
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