WISEflow – AU’s new digital exams system – has been rolled out across the university. It replaces the WISEflow system formerly used at Aarhus BSS and…
Reduce air travel, continue to optimise energy use, and make sustainable purchases. With the 2024 climate action plan, AU is continuing its effort to…
Elections for the occupational health and safety organisation at AU have just been completed. Both new and returning representatives have committed…
Currently, staff can install and update applications on their staff computers without further ado. Unfortunately, this makes our computers vulnerable…
This year’s DHL Relay Fun Run will take place in August as usual – and as usual, lots of AU staff will join in the fun. The deadline to register for…
A number of foundations have clarified the part about time registration in their guidance on grants for 2024.
All projects in the department are part of ECE’s overall budget and financial results. Therefore, it is important that all budgets for ØR1 are…
The new personal homepages are being implemented now – but what are they capable of and why are there two?
From 14:00 to 18:00 on Wednesday 24 April 2024, Aarhus University will open its doors to the public for the annual Festival of Research in and around…
Danish universities must admit more international students from this year, and 180 of these places have been allocated to Aarhus University.
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