Two weeks before planned submission | Main supervisor | Sends the following to GSTS:
When the date for the defense has been set | PhD coordinator | Books a room for the defense once the date has been settled |
Planned submission date | PhD student | Submits PhD thesis and additional documents to GSTS |
As soon as possible | GSTS PhD administration |
Immediately after the PhD thesis has been sent to the assessment committee | Chair of the assessment committee | Contacts the committee and coordinates the completion of the written assessment (recommendation) |
No later than two weeks after PhD thesis submission | PhD student | Sends a photo and a summary in both Danish and English to GSTS |
Seven weeks after the submission date but no later than three weeks before the defence | Chair of the assessment committee | Sends a signed version of the recommendation to GSTS. Attached is also e-mails from external members of the committee stating that they agree with the final version of the recommendation. |
As soon as possible | GSTS PhD administration | Sends to recommendation to the Head of School for final approval |
As soon as possible (the PhD student must receive the recommendation no later than two weeks before the defence date) | GSTS PhD administration | Sends the recommendation to the PhD student and Main supervisor |
After receiving positive recommendation from GSTS | PhD coordinator | Orders lunch for the assessment committee and supervisor. The PhD student’s section, the Head of Department and the assessment committee are invited to join the defence. The PhD student invites partners, family and friends. |
No later than one week before the defence date | GSTS PhD administration | Announces the defence on the GSTS website |
Within 24 hours after the defence | Chair of the assessment committee | Sends a signed version of the final recommendation to GSTS |
As soon as possible | GSTS PhD administration | Sends the final recommendation to the PhD student |
Within two months after the defence | GSTS PhD administration | Sends the PhD diploma (via digital post) |
Timeframe: The defence should not exceed 3 hours including breaks.
Informs about time schedule, the order of opponents and the possibility of asking questions.
The presentation should represent the content of the PhD study (hypothesis, material and methods / experimental design and results) including a general introduction to the research area and a general discussion accounting for further research perspectives.
Members of the audience who would like to ask questions should notify the chairman during the break.
The examination will be based on the content of the presentation and the PhD thesis. The aim of the examination is to give the student the opportunity to prove thorough knowledge of the topic covered, and to create a constructive and fruitful discussion.
The chairman may ask some supplementary questions about the content of the PhD thesis and then close the examination by posing a few overall questions, allowing the PhD student the possibility to put the conducted research into a broader perspective.
The audience can ask questions as agreed with the chairman during the break.
The chairman of the assessment committee concludes the defence by thanking the PhD student and the participants.
The assessment committee leaves the lecture hall to make their final recommendation. The chairman of the assessment committee ensures that the entire committee signs the document “Final Recommendation PhD Degree”.
The assessment committee enters the reception and the chairman of the committee announces their recommendation.
The chairman of the assessment committee submits the final recommendation to the Graduate School of Technical Sciences.
You can find more information about the defence and the handing in of the thesis on GSTSs website.