Management of externally funded projects

When applying for externally funded projects, you must follow ECE's project management process for externally funded projects. An important part of this process is completing an ECE Cover Letter, which must be approved by the Head of Department before submitting your application.

You can find information about the process and download the ECE Cover Letter here on this page.

ECE Funding overview

Funding overview of some of the grant sources and foundations that may be relevant for ECE staff.

Please note that the overview is a work in progress and is not yet complete.

RED/YELLOW/GREEN - Criteria for budget approval

Once you have entered all the relevant information in the cover letter, you can see whether the project's budget has been assessed to be red, yellow or green, depending on the parameters for funding determined by the ECE.
The Cover Letter includes a red-yellow-green stoplight indicator of budget health on both a department level and a project level.

If both indicators are green:


  • The budget is considered healthy and can be submitted for final approval from the Head of Department, although you should inform your Head of Section.

If the indicator (Including Permanent staff Co-financing) is yellow and the indicator (Excluding Permanent staff Co-financing) is green:


  • The budget is generally considered healthy but needs written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed.
  • You should discuss with your Head of Section before submitting for final approval from the Head of Department.
  • You must include written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed when submitting the Cover Letter. 

If the indicator (Including Permanent staff Co-financing) is yellow and the indicator (Excluding Permanent staff Co-financing) is green:


  • The budget requires discussions and potential adaptations suggested by your Head of Section.
  • After agreement with the Head of Section, you can proceed to submit the cover letter for final approval.
  • You must include written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed when submitting the Cover Letter.

If both indicators are yellow/yellow:

  • The budget requires discussions and potential adaptations suggested by your Head of Section.
  • After agreement with the Head of Section, you can proceed to submit the cover letter for final approval.
  • You must include written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed when submitting the Cover Letter.

If the indicator (Including Permanent staff Co-financing) is red and the indicator (Excluding Permanent staff Co-financing) is yellow:

  • The budget requires discussions and potential adaptations suggested by your Head of Section.
  • After agreement with the Head of Section, you can proceed to submit the cover letter for final approval.
  • You must include written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed when submitting the Cover Letter.

If both indicators are red/red:


  • The budget requires discussions and potential adaptations suggested by your Head of Section.
  • After agreement with the Head of Section, you can proceed to submit the cover letter for final approval.
  • You must include written justification of why co-financing of fixed personnel is needed when submitting the Cover Letter.

ECE Cover Letter

The cover letter is continuously being updated and should be downloaded from ECE's employee portal as needed to ensure that the latest version is used.

The Cover Letter consists of an Excel spreadsheet with different entry cells information that must be filled out. Some of the fields are mandatory, such as the project overhead or grant source. Other fields are optional and only need to be filled out if they are relevant to the project, e.g. in relation to legal review or names of project partners.

The information entered in the Cover Letter gives the Head of Department an immidiate overview of the project and helps make a decision on approval of the project. In addition, the Secretariat will use the information from the Cover Letter to create a casefile for the project in both ReAp and in Workzone. This means you do not have to create casefiles yourself, as project manager.

The Cover Letter contains a “Read me” sheet. Here you can find comprehensive instructions on how to fill out the Cover Letter correctly, including a description of what information should be entered in the different entry cells.

(Preview af cover letter.
Click to enlarge.)

Introduction to The External Project Cover Letter


00:00 – Introduction

00:29 – Project information

03:45 – Project budget and approval criteria

14:44 – Legal review

18:14 – Department process and submission