
As an employee at ECE, please follow the procedure below to register when you are sick.

If you are absent due to your own sickness, we differentiate between short-term and long-term time sickness.

You may also be entitled to be absent from work in other cases (sickness in your family and other types of absence).

You must register sickness and other types of absence (child care days, children's sick days, etc.) in mitHR.

If you get sick

If you get sick, please register your absence due to sickness in mitHR yourself. 

The registration can be made without an end date. When you return to work remember to close the registration with an end date. 

Guide: how to register absence in mitHR. 

Long-term sick leave

If you are on sick leave for over 28 days (which is the definition of long-term sick leave) please inform your immediate supervisor and fravaer@ece.au.dk

You are not to register long-term sick leave in mitHR yourself. This applies to both fulltime and part time sick leave. 

You can find more information regarding long-term sick leave here. 

Information to supervisors/management

In case of long-term sick leave, you as a manager are obliged to follow AU's procedure for handling long-term sick leave.

Your responsibilities are: 

  1. Inform HR's Specialist-team about the sick leave at: Nat-Tech.HR.Specialist@au.dk
  2. Inform also fravaer@ece.au.dk
  3. Have sickness absence meetings. 
    • The first meeting should take place some time between the 10th to 14th sickness day. 
  4. Take minutes from the meeting and send them to the specialist-team for filing. 
  5. If you wish, HR is available to attend the meeting(s). 

Guide to follow-up on absence due to illness (long version).

Guide to follow-up on absence due to illness (short version). 

HR's Specialist Team is happy to answer any and all questions concerning sickness and other absence.
Contact them via e-mail.

It is also possible to contact our HR partner for help and guidance.