
As an employee at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, you must follow the procedure below when you want to take holiday and special holidays.

The Senior Management Team strongly encourages employees to take all holiday, including special holidays, during the holiday year if at all possible. All monthly-paid employees earn 2.08 days of ordinary holiday and 0.42 days of special holiday per month.


Holidays are registrered in mitHR and should be coordinated with your supervisor, where they will approve it in the system.

At ECE we standard register your holiday - see the standard periods for this holiday year in the right column. 

Standard registered holidays can't be deleted, only moved!

Change an already planned holiday

If you want to change a holiday that has already been planned, please follow the procedure below:

  • The change must be reported before the holiday begins.
  • A new holiday period must be specified. The number of days you wish to change must be equal to the number of days registered.
  • The change is to be made in mitHR
  • Your request is automatically sent to your Head of Section for approval. 
  • Please direct any questions to

Can't add a new holiday?

Then it's because the holidays are used at the standard registered holiday. You need to change the days in the standard registered holiday period to get enough days to take a new holiday.

Example: There is standard registered a holiday periode from July 17th to August 4th. But you would like to take a new holiday of 5 days in the end of June. First you need to subtract 5 days from the standard registered holiday period and send the request. And then you can take a new holiday period with the 5 days.


Standard registration of holidays 2023/2024

Ordinary holidays: 

  • Christmas holidays: December 23 to 29, 2023
  • The day after Ascension Day: May 10, 2024
  • Summer holidays: July 5 - August 2, 2024

Special holidays: 

  • Winter holidays: February 15 and 16, 2024
  • Easter holidays: March 25 to 27, 2024

Annual schedule of the holiday year