The roles of Union- and Work environment representatives

Members of LAMU & LSU, including our union- and work environment representatives have received training in what inappropriate and transgressive behaviour is, and what should be done when employees experience such behaviour. Our union- and work environment representatives are trained to create a safe space for you as an employee to seek counselling and support in cases of inappropriate-, transgressive, offensive behaviour or harassment.

All conversations with our union- and work environment representatives are strictly confidential, meaning that no information that you mention can or will leave the room, as long as you do not request it. There may, however, be cases where the representative have to inform another party, due to an ethical or moral responsibility, depending on the seriousness of the case.

You can see your union- and work environment representatives as neutral party that does not judge you or the behaviour you have been exposed to or accused of. You may also contact the TR/AMRs if you have observed cases of transgressive behaviour etc.

The union- and work environment representatives may support you:

  • as a safe person to confide in
  • with information on your options of action and support
  • as a chaperone in conversation with your manager (alternatively your manager's manager) to take an introductory conversation with your manager about the incident

The union- and work environment representatives may support you:

  • as a safe person to confide in
  • with information on your options of action and support
  • as a chaperone in conversation with your manager (alternatively your manager's manager) to take an introductory conversation with your manager about the incident