ECE Communication Hub

Send your ideas to ECE Communication Hub

ECE Communication Hub consists of Lone MichaelsenPernille Mønster Leth og Litte Dalsgaard.

We hope that you would like to contribute to building a LinkedIn profile with a lot of good and relevant content, which can help to promote ECE as a world-leading department of research, teaching and innovation in electrical and computer engineering.

Fill in the form

If you have an idea for something that you believe could be beneficial to share on ECE's LinkedIn profile, you can click on the link to the right. You can save the link as a shortcut in your browser.

Fill in as many details as possible and write your own proposal for text, and you can attach a photo or graphics. If we have any questions, we will contact you. If your input does not require further processing, we will tag you on the post when it goes live on ECE's LinkedIn profile.

'Tag' us on LinkedIn

Alternatively, you can tag ECE's LinkedIn profile and/or members in ECE Communication Hub in a post you write or in the comments of other posts that you think are relevant.

Finally, you are also welcome to send an e-mail to us (see e-mail in the coloumn to the right).