New EU rules for time registration on projects

A number of foundations have clarified the part about time registration in their guidance on grants for 2024.

The following foundations have specified in their 2024 grant guidelines that "it is a prerequisite for coverage of internal salary, that time registration is carried out".

The projects funded by the foundations will be set up for time registration from January 1, 2024.


  1. Promilleafgiftsfonden for landbrug
  2. Promilleafgiftsfonden for frugtavlen og gartneribruget
  3. Fonden for økologisk landbrug  
  4. Svineafgiftsfonden
  5. Kvægafgiftsfonden
  6. Fjerkræafgiftsfonden
  7. Hesteafgiftsfonden
  8. Produktionsafgiftsfonden for frugt og gartneriprodukter
  9. Mælkeafgiftsfonden
  10. Kartoffelafgiftsfonden
  11. Frøafgiftsfonden