Salary criteria for ECE salary negotiations 2022

Read more about the salary criteria for ECE, which are approved by the Liaison committee.

2 February – 24 February 2022 is the period, where employees can submit information for the pay negotiations. The new pay systems will generally be used as a supplementary management tool to:

  • Enhance the correlation between pay and effort
  • Ensure efficiency, flexibility, quality, adjustment and development
  • Contribute to retention and recruitment of qualified staff
  • Promote qualifications and competency development

The salary criteria for Nat-Tech are based on the specific objectives and focus areas that this year's local salary negotiations intend to support. The weighting of the criteria varies depending on the type of job and the list is not exhaustive. For all types of jobs, all qualifications used in the job can generally speaking be considered as grounds for the supplement for qualifications. Examples include:

  • Professional qualifications
  • Personal qualifications
  • Collegial qualifications

In connection with the local salary negotiations and with regard to complying with Aarhus University’s strategy, the management also focuses on the elements listed below regarding salary criteria for members of academic staff (VIP):

  • Research and development efforts
  • Teaching
  • Didactic development
  • Knowledge exchange and business collaboration
  • Talent development
  • Research management, including contributions to internationalisation and di-versity
  • Attracting external funding
  • Management

You can read more about the pay negotiations here: Pay negotiations at Nat-Tech. On this page you will also find a link to the form where you should state your information for the pay negotiations. Please note, that the form will be available from 2 February 2021.If you have any questions in relation to providing proposals for the pay negotiations, please contact Nat-Tech HR. HR can also answer questions regarding your current salary, which negotiation group you belong to etc.

Please contact your trade union representative (with negotiation right) in connection with questions regarding salary agreements, salary criteria etc.

The pay negotiations are finished by June, and salary increases have effect from 1 April 2022.