It has been decided that search committee must be used for the following positions (mandatory): Tenure track assistant professor, associate professor, senior researcher and professor.
The goal of using search committees is to ensure excellent, diverse and qualified applicants for our positions.
At ECE, the head of department appoints the search committee in collaboration with the hiring manager. At ECE, it has been decided that the hiring committee will initially act as the search committee.
The search committee should be involved in the preparation of the final advertisement and be established before the position is advertised.
The committee's main focus is to help ensure a sufficiently large field of applicants with quality and diversity (external applicants, international applicants and applicants of both genders).
Search work can take place prior to and in parallel with the job posting.
The search committee must:
Confidentiality in the committee is mandatory and also essential to ensure an honest discussion as well as respect the input and participation of all those involved in every phase of the committee's work.
At Aarhus University, we have 10 norms for the recruitment of permanent academic staff.
The 10 norms have been determined by the Senior Management Team on the basis of discussions in the academic councils and several hearings in the professional environments. These must contribute to a strengthened recruitment practice at Aarhus University.
The standards indicate a common direction, which includes, for example, the use of search committees, re-posting, assessment committees, stays abroad and employment committees, and they must be implemented at institutes and centers where the local management is given responsibility for adapting to the current local guidelines.